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The monstrous Army on the march

The problems with supposed equality, political correctness and the advance of women generally are, firstly, that females cannot necessarily have it all and, secondly, rightly or wrongly, the vast majority of those campaigning so effectively for the cause are those middle class plus, talented, intelligent and ‘elite’ individuals who – some might venture to suggest – already have it made and are relatively unconcerned about the plight of the overwhelming majority of their less well-off and less fortunate sisters.

Three recent examples:

Firstly, the BBC’s recent announcement that the new line-up of Newsnight presenters will be exclusively female – Emily Maitlis, Kirsty Walk and Emma Barnett.

See here for the reaction of columnist Jan Moir as featured today upon the website of the – DAILY MAIL

Secondly, the complexities of maintaining a proper life balance when you are an Alpha female remain an obsession for the chattering classes.

See here for representative pieces by (1) Fiona Sturges upon the travails of being a working mother as appears today upon the website of – THE GUARDIAN

And (2) by Mona Chalabi upon the complications of having money and when and how to spend it as also appears today upon the website of – THE GUARDIAN

Thirdly, a typical piece by an elite sportswoman both trumpeting the supposed advances of female sport and by extrapolation demanding that her like – being the female equivalent of their male counterparts – ergo should receive similar financial and other rewards as them.

See here for former England football international Eni Aluko writing about an upcoming game in Italy that will attract 20,000 spectators (tellingly, admitted free) as also appears today upon the website of – THE GUARDIAN

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About J S Bird

A retired academic, Jeremy will contribute article on subjects that attract his interest. More Posts