And, with a touch of irony …
Wendy Lewis becomes 'holier than thou' ...
‘Shorely schome mishtake? …’ – as Sean Connery and/or Private Eye might possibly say.
Media reports today – Friday 3rd January 2014 – detail the results of a survey by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) that suggest rates of obesity in developing countries are now twice as high as those of rich countries. The irony appears to be not that more food – as helpfully supplied not least by charitable efforts of rich countries – is not the problem per se, but the fact that greater prosperity doesn’t seem to prompt improved nutritional habits.
Maybe the old adage ‘Eat less, eat better and exercise more’ – which I’m trying to adopt as my New Year’s resolution – should be given a wider airing.
See here for a report on this subject on the website of THE GUARDIAN