Goodbye to all that
That’s it for me. Fed up with the EU Referendum result and the political crisis that has inevitably followed, I’m off.
I’m sufficiently worldly-wise that I anticipated some, but not all, of the fall-out that occurred after the Brexit vote. It always seemed to me that if you call a referendum – in fact if you ever ask the British nation to vote upon anything – you might not get the answer that you’re looking for.
Contingency-planning – that’s what so much of modern life is about. Step forward Murphy’s Law, i.e. that if something is theoretically and technically capable of going wrong … it probably will.
Take insurance. I know a family friend’s father in his tenth decade who is currently refusing all pleas and demands from the AA to renew his membership on the grounds that hitherto he has paid out sixty years-worth of membership fees and only ever called the AA out on four occasions in his life, ergo it is a complete waste of money. One can see his point – but is he right?
Part of the reason that insurance exists, of course, is to provide comfort and peace of mind.
Nevertheless, whilst taking it out, you have to try to avoid reflecting upon the fact that – like bookmakers – insurers carefully calculate their risks … and how many of us have every come across an impoverished insurer? The fact there’s aren’t any should tell you something – possibly that it’s a classic case of ‘money for old rope’.
Anyway, be that all as it may. I’m pleased to report that last September, mindful that David Cameron was committed to holding a Referendum upon EU membership, I sat my wife down – discussed our future – and made a far-reaching decision or two, irrespective of the result.
That’s why yesterday, having put our affairs in order, our UK belongings in storage, and our pooch in kennels in Godstone, Surrey, Martha and I duly left Britain for the foreseeable future and boarded The World – see here, on the website of – THE DAILY MAIL
Bon voyage, everyone!
I hope to report further upon our movements in due course.