Just in

I suppose you cannot fight the inevitable

One of the first things I do upon waking each day is to tour the newspaper websites in order to familiarise myself with what’s going on in the world since I last looked. Sometimes this is a fascinating exercise and sometimes, to one degree or another, it is a sobering one.

Today it was a case of the latter.

In support of my contention, here are links to two articles that appear today on the website of The Independent:

Chris Mooney on how scientists are predicting the world might look in another 10,000 years – OH DEAR ME

Cahal Milmo on how human sexual relationships will soon work in the brave new world – BLIMEY

As I sipped at my second cup of black coffee of the morning – contemplating the prospect of living about two-thirds of the way to the summit of Ben Nevis because it is the only practical place to live, having sexual relations with my prospective robot partner remotely by smartphone – I could not help but think that one day becoming prey to a nostalgic longing for the ‘good old, bad old, days’ might not become a constant feature of life upon Earth.

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About Arthur Nelson

Looking forward to his retirement in 2015, Arthur has written poetry since childhood and regularly takes part in poetry workshops and ‘open mike’ evenings. More Posts