Just in

It came to me in a flash

Simon Campion-Brown has a vision

In a perverse way, probably like many National Rust readers, I quite enjoyed my live Sky News coverage of David Cameron’s press conference meltdown yesterday over the EU’s latest demand of the United Kingdom – a £1.7 billion ‘penalty’ for our economy performing slightly better than expected.

I found Cameron’s phrases (gist-wise) of the ilk “If they think we’re paying that bill on 1st December, they’ve got another think coming” and, referring to the process by which the new ‘bill’ was made known, “… but actually, frankly, you don’t need a Cluedo set to know that someone has been clubbed with the lead piping in the library” brought a smile to my lips.

They were certainly a refreshingly entertaining and innovative departure for the nuanced, anything but open, world of EU diplomacy.

The other thing that occurred to me was in regard to both the forthcoming Rochester & Strood by-election and 21015 General Election.

To the extent that the ‘adjustments’ now being made by to EU countries’ individual payments, it is noticeable that, amongst of the countries now either being made to cough up more, e.g. Greece, the UK and Italy, or alternatively in the happy position of potentially going to receive a rebate, e.g. Germany, France, there are some surprises in both camps.

It seems that it all boils down to how well (or badly) your economy performs. In other words, those who – as Britain might see it – have ‘done the right thing’, instigated austerity measures, got things supposedly under control, encouraged commerce … and done well … are effectively being penalised for that fact [or is it simply because at least they might have the money to pay up with?] whilst those who done none of the above – and performed badly – attract massive rebates in compensation.

You can forget the controversy over Cameron’s meltdown and any potential polling ramifications for the Tories and/or UKIP up to and including hung parliaments, coalitions and minority governments.

What this episode tells me is that we should all vote Labour next month and indeed again in May 2015.


Well, looking at it purely from the United Kingdom’s own best national interests, the answer is staring us in the face.

Given both received opinion and the evidence of recent poll surveys, practically everyone in this country seems to agree that to let Labour back in again would be completely disastrous for the British economy.

Except in one important respect.

If Labour did get in, and the inevitable happened, the United Kingdom might be doing very well out of Europe for at least the next five years.

By the time 2020 came around, it’s highly unlikely that Britain would still be the third-biggest net contributor to the EDU budget, as now. Far more likely, thanks to Labour’s mismanagement, we’d be so far down the pan that we’d be getting hordes of rebates washing over the gunnels, possibly to the extent that we’d find ourselves a net ‘taker’ out of the EU, not a contributor at all!



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About Simon Campion-Brown

A former lecturer in politics at Keele University, Simon now lives in Oxfordshire. Married with two children, in 2007 he decided to monitor the Westminster village via newspaper and television and has never looked back. More Posts