It’s that time of year again
Bryn Thomas wraps himself in his duvet
These past three days I have been developing my first ‘bug’ of the winter. I cannot remember whether the beginning of October is about par for me, or whether it’s a bit earlier than usual this year.
It all began on Tuesday, when I detected the first stirring of a tickle in my throat which – I could tell – was either going to be a false alarm or alternatively a serious issue. Over the next two day someone decided it was going to be the latter. On Thursday afternoon, despite half-hourly Soothers sweets and/or their Fisherman’s Friends equivalent, I was having distinct trouble swallowing without pain and by yesterday I’d also developed a cough and cold.
The full set, in other words.
These days I tend to listen and respond to my biorhythms – normally I can head to my bed for a snooze at the slightest suggestion of weariness at any time of the day or night – and I have to confess that yesterday, after breakfast and a flick through my newspaper, I disappeared for an hour simply in response to a feeling of general lethargy induced by my sore throat and head cold.
I shall be going back there again after posting this …