Ten years ago I made the momentous decision to leave London for the south coast. A good friend at the time advised me that if it did not work out – as clearly he thought it would happen then – I would be back within 2 years and have to deal with increased property prices.
In fact, whilst critical of some areas of the city where I live – notably it’s incompetent administration – I have by and large taken to coastal life: the better air, the lively vibe and what Sussex offers in terms of the Downs, country homes and gardens, race courses, vineyards, Opera and pleasant gastro pubs in gorgeous settings.
Indeed, contrary to my friend’s advice, it is the trip to London which I have come to dislike.
London has changed so much in the past ten years.
My visit over the past few days began with a £22/40 minute taxi ride from Victoria station to Pall Mall.
Buckingham Palace was closed and Piccadilly gridlocked.
If my mobility was better I could have walked the journey through St. James Park quicker.
I believe the current mayor, with his own agenda, has imposed unnecessary charges for his own benefit which have not cured London’s traffic problem.
In short, a great capital city is no longer that.
London still has its theatres, orchestras and cultural and sporting resources but on this – and previous visits – the roadworks and building suites made it hard to walk around and a general lack of consideration (e.g. pedestrians charging down the street on their mobiles) prevalent.
It is also extremely expensive: it’s hard to find a room at a decent central hotel for less than £500 a night.
I have found a club a cheaper and preferable alternative.