One more sporting overview
As regular readers of the Rust will be aware, our sports department remains ever-vigilant in its monitoring of matters of principle and integrity on behalf of fans everywhere.
Here are some links to a couple of issues of the moment:
So far as we’re aware Shakespeare never watched sports online but – if he had – he would have undoubtedly joined in the ongoing debate upon whether it is nobler and/or better to attend sporting events in person, or alternatively listen to them on radio, watch them live on television … or go just down to the pub instead and catch-up on what happened later via the news media.
Here’s a piece by Barry Glendenning on how social media continues to affect customer/crowd behaviour even when they have taken the trouble (and paid the cash) to attend a sports event or game in person, as appears today upon the website of – THE GUARDIAN
We’re all aware that instances of actually catching drugs-cheats are rare enough, still less instances of being able to make a case stand up in courts of arbitration, real-life courts, and in avenues to which nations or wealthy sports stars can appeal (of which there are many).
Remember the 2012 London Olympics – as was once trumpeted, the most drugs-free version ever?
Here’s a report by Reuters giving details of the 60th – yes SIXTIETH – athlete that has been retrospectively caught cheating and/or stripped of a medal from that festival of sport, as features today upon the website of – THE GUARDIAN
Here’s the latest on the row that blew up during the swimming World Championships (currently winding down in South Korea) over the victory by the drugs cheat Chinese swimmer Sun Yang in the men’s 200 metres freestyle event.
Two swimmers – Mack Horton, an Aussie, and Duncan Scott, a Brit – have made public their resentment at him being allowed to compete and Sun Yang then made himself look a Grade A idiot in taunting Scott by shouting “I’m a winner, you’re a loser!” at him … an outburst that would surely invite the retort from any right-thinking person “Yes, but you’re a drugs cheat, and I know which I’d rather be” – see here for a report by Paul MacInnes as appears upon the website of – THE GUARDIAN
And never mind SW19’s strawberries & cream and cucumber sandwiches & Pimm’s – these miscreants get everywhere: here’s a 2019 female Wimbledon qualifier, ranked 99 in the world, who has tested positive for drugs – as reported by Simon Jennings today upon the website of – THE INDEPENDENT