Just in

Articles by Justin Holding

Reflections upon a November day

My post today springs from of a combination of some personal reflections upon modern life as it is and a report by Josh Gabbatiss that I read today upon the UN’s latest warning on the existential threat that climate change represents to the human race, as appears upon the website of The [...]

November 28, 2018 // 0 Comments

The important (only) thing is getting there

Yesterday I attended a military services reunion function with my father – as, it were, his ‘wingman’ and supporter. In all honesty, I had no personal right to be there, my sole connection with matters military being confined to unwilling participation in my school’s combined cadet force [...]

August 5, 2017 // 0 Comments

The bookies always win

Having gone to bed exceptionally early last night – embarrassment prevents me revealing exactly when – I was inevitably up again at a near-record time. It was either in the twenty to thirty minutes in bed before falling into slumber, or in the similar period as I gradually ‘came [...]

October 21, 2016 // 0 Comments

The role of uncertainty in great sport

Over the weekend just passed I had originally planned to devote the bulk of my free time to transcribing my library notes on a current project – well, that is to say, transferring them (denuded of the ‘shorthand’ squiggles and anagrams that I use in order to save time and effort) into the [...]

April 4, 2016 // 0 Comments

One small step for man …

Last week I made a technological breakthrough of sorts. I bought a slow cooker. I’m a big fan of stews of any description or form and I had long suspected that a slow cooker – by which, I’d been led to believe, the deal is that you just bung the ingredients into the receptacle designed for [...]

February 8, 2016 // 0 Comments

This far is far enough

Several things about the modern world bug me and one of them is the political-correctness industry. If that makes me a fuddy-duddy then I’m happy to plead guilty. I like to think that I’m all for social development and I accept that often ‘ahead of their time’ campaigners have to challenge [...]

September 3, 2015 // 0 Comments

And here’s another one …

Simply by living life we come across every aspect of it, from birth to death – and that includes all the joys, laughter, madness, frustrations, hurts, slights, triumphs, challenges and innumerable other things and situations (great and small) that affect us personally and/or cause us to reflect [...]

March 14, 2015 // 0 Comments

Queueing as a form of life

Yesterday (Saturday) I was obliged to go food shopping – not a task I particularly enjoy at this time of year. Earlier in the week I had been to Sainsburys and found myself shocked by the sheer volume of numbers. I am certain this is a feature of growing older – you become gradually less [...]

December 7, 2014 // 0 Comments

About par for the course

Last night I attended my first-ever police liaison group meeting. I had better explain. About a year ago I was coming out of my car park when a couple of guys about my age (60 plus) stopped me for a chat. They were ‘public’ members of the local police liaison group and were ‘walking the [...]

October 29, 2014 // 0 Comments

A talent to amuse

At home, kept usually somewhere close to my work desk, I possess a battered old Samsonite briefcase. In it I keep what might be termed my ‘vital belongings’, e.g. my passport, driving licence, cheque book and anything else, e.g. a stash of euros, a sentimentally-important old watch, innumerable [...]

August 29, 2014 // 0 Comments

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