Just in

Breaking out

After 14 days of torture in the fitness centre I was ready to break out with a few days in my beloved Marylebone. I met with the family investment advisor who would benefit from the same course as me in diet and exercise but otherwise offered useful advice in these turbulent times and markets. In the afternoon I had afternoon tea with one of my favourite poppets before taking up my usual table in the best Marylebone restaurant 28-50 finishing up at the Golden Eagle for a sing -song. My rendition of Abba’s Thank You For The Music went down well with all present, young and old alike.

Man cannot survive on salad and water alone and enjoying life is as important as the correct regime of diet and exercise. That is why every year punters part with many thousands of pounds to attend a Tickler life style course.

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About Robert Tickler

A man of financial substance, Robert has a wide range of interests and opinions to match. More Posts