Just in

Give me strength!

One thing that hacks me off is when ‘the Establishment’ in the Western First World openly displays its contempt for the ordinary man in the street. I’m not a fantasist or idealist – it’s been happening since history, let alone the concept of democracy, began – but my gripe is with the very idea that those who control us feel able to let us know it even while pretending that they believe in (and bend the knee to the notion) that human society in all its wonderful varieties and diversity actually matters.

Yes, I’m returning to the vexed subject of Brexit and the endless snide, sneering, back-biting condescension of the Remoaner brigade.

Hard on the heels of the spectacle of the House of Lords seeking to mess up the Brexit process by ‘defeating the Government’ in a vote yesterday we were treated to the vision of arch-Luvvie Sir Patrick Stewart – he of minor fame via his role as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in the crassly inferior re-boot series Star Trek: The Next Generation when you compare it  to the classic TV series featuring Mr Spock and Captain James T. Kirk – telling we plebs that ‘We wuz robbed’ and therefore a second referendum is required …

See here for a link to the pompous berk’s piece on the subject, as appears today upon the website of – THE INDEPENDENT

When will these idiots get the message that – every time the Establishment is stupid enough to resort to the democratic process to supposedly give validation to its doings – as night follows day, it gives an opportunity to those of us who have seen through their deceits and/or just want to give them a bloody nose (or is it ‘stick two fingers up at the lot of them’?) to do just that?

That’s all I wanted to say today. I’m off down the pub now …



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About Simon Campion-Brown

A former lecturer in politics at Keele University, Simon now lives in Oxfordshire. Married with two children, in 2007 he decided to monitor the Westminster village via newspaper and television and has never looked back. More Posts