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Here’s one for the girls

Following the mention of it in my colleague Derek Williams’s article yesterday I want to raise a hand in support of netball, a game that most females have played at school, if not subsequently. In fact, I still occasionally turn out for what virtually amounts to a ‘walking’ form of the game with a group of girlfriends who, like me, are not so fussed about pulling on the lycra and driving ourselves to oblivion in the gym in our efforts to stave off old age and bingo-wings.

Here’s a link to an article by Tamsin Greenway that appears today on the website of – THE GUARDIAN

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About Sandra McDonnell

As an Englishwoman married to a Scot, Sandra experiences some tension at home during Six Nations tournaments. Her enthusiasm for rugby was acquired through early visits to Fylde club matches with her father and her proud boast is that she has missed only two England home games at Twickenham since 1995. Sandra has three grown-up children, none of whom follow rugby. More Posts