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Is this one too far?

Some think we on the Rust have a fetish about sporting debates. It’s not quite true, but there are certainly a number of issues around which sporting purity, fairness, integrity and principle (on the one hand) wrestle with expediency, power, corruption, influence and commercial imperatives (on the other) and – more often than not – come off second best.

We also tend to feature items touching upon political correctness gone mad, hypocrisy in all its forms, performance-enhancing drug-taking and sometimes even ‘When is a sport not a sport?’

Here’s a link to a report by Kelly McLaughlin relevant to the last above-mentioned subject – i.e. the recent announcement by Maciej Szpunar, advocate-general for the European Court of Justice, that bridge should be considered a sport the last-above mentioned, as appears today upon the website of the – DAILY MAIL

droneYou can finger me as old-fashioned – and I don’t know whether Rust readers would agree with me – but I raised my eyebrows somewhat when I read the list of some of the ‘sports’ that Sport England has recognised on the ground that they include ‘physical activity’.



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About Tom Hollingworth

Tom Hollingsworth is a former deputy sports editor of the Daily Express. For many years he worked in a sports agency, representing mainly football players and motor racing drivers. Tom holds a private pilot’s licence and flying is his principal recreation. More Posts