Pile in here before it’s too late!
The publishers of Nat Rust Global Corporation are pleased to announce the launch of the world’s latest and fastest-growing cryptocurrency RustCoin.
In keeping with our long-held principle of looking after our followers and adherents we are offering a special introductory rate to Rust readers.
If you send £50,000 today before 5.00pm via bank transfer to our normal bank account, or indeed via cheque to our normal registered address with a first class stamp, we will send you by return a hand-made single RustCoin to keep either (1) in your own home safe or – alternatively – (2) behind a bullet-proof glass screen in front of the National Rust-branded and double-mounted frame containing it that can be ordered for just £175 plus VAT from Rust HQ in collaboration with our local picture-framing shop and hung in pride of place over the table in your dining-room.
Hurry whilst stocks last!!!!
See the following links:
A piece by Nellie Bowles that appears today on the website of – THE INDEPENDENT
A feature on former bankrupt rapper 50 Cents as appears today upon the website of – THE GUARDIAN