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Recommended pieces spotted in today’s media

Here’s a list of items on today’s media pages that might be of interest to Rust readers:

Here’s an interesting take on probably the biggest internet/politics scandal to break so far this year. Julia Carrie Wong – writing from San Francisco – on the issues arising from Cambridge Analytica as appears today upon the website of – THE GUARDIAN

On this organ we hold a range of opinions on current and political affairs but a brief for no political party. Personally, I very much enjoy an inventive and forceful political rant and here’s one from former Fleet Street editor Richard Littlejohn that raises a few smiles and sometimes a smudge of empathy, as appears today on the website of the – DAILY MAIL

Robert Kitson writing about the raft of serious and varied issues facing the world of rugby union, as appears today upon the website of – THE GUARDIAN

Alex Lockie (‘Business Insider’) on the career of the extraordinary Lyudmila Pavlichenko – the legendary Ukrainian WW2 female sniper – as appears on the website of – THE INDEPENDENT

Anne Gulland writes on the tricky subject of just how many bugs and infections anyone can catch by simply travelling on a commercial flight – see here on the website of the – DAILY TELEGRAPH

Dominic Fifield interviews former footballer Vince Hilaire about his thought-provoking autobiography – as appears today upon the website of – THE GUARDIAN

Despite having read Sabrina Barr’s report on a new study researching the links between different types of male intelligence and their lasting success with embers of the opposite sex several times now, I’m still not quite clear whether my type of intelligence (such as it is) explains either – or even both – my singular lack of success with women and my chequered marital career. Have a glance for yourself and tell me where you come on the scale – see here, on the website of – THE INDEPENDENT

Richard Williams on the controversy surrounding the new ‘halo’ protection frame around drivers’ cockpits now being introduced in Formula One – and also some of the implications for sports of all types around the world – in a piece that appears upon the website of – THE GUARDIAN


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About Miles Piper

After university, Miles Piper began his career on a local newspaper in Wolverhampton and has since worked for a number of national newspapers and magazines. He has also worked as a guest presenter on Classic FM. He was a founder-member of the National Rust board. More Posts