Shadow of a doubt? (He seems to have thought so)
Over the past number of years on the Rust I have occasionally made reference to or analysed the movies of Alfred Hitchcock, one of the greatest directors and film-makers of all time and of course British to boot.
Despite this being the annual season of movie awards – now with the Oscars ceremony fast-approaching on the horizon – I am not personally a great one for self-congratulatory gongs, save perhaps in the context of looking back with the benefit of hindsight to review which movie or actor was the luckiest winner or indeed unluckiest loser in a particular year.
Although his version of Daphne due Maurier’s novel Rebecca won Best Picture in 1940 and in all Hitchcock was nominated 11 times, he never won a Best Director Oscar which some might feel reflects more upon the poor collective judgement of the Academy over the years than the man himself.
All that noted, I’m always favour of any prompt that enables us to go back over a lifetime’s work and assess once again the career of one of the all-time greats. In case anyone has missed it, here’s a link to Graeme Ross’s piece assessing Hitch’s 20 greatest all-time movies that appears today upon the website of – THE INDEPENDENT