Technology’s great as long as it works…
I am a man of simple but defined tastes. Once these were mainly Epicurean but now I’m never happier than with a book in hand, view to enjoy and pleasant music to accompany. You might have thought that all three were easily achievable but not the music element.
It all started some two months ago when I noticed my internet was downloading very slowly.
I spoke to an old friend who had made his fortune in the internet world and is a man of exacting standards.
He recommended a local techie. The techie sent me an appointment email that was recorded in my calendar but obviously not his as he totally failed to turn up.
Then I had a chance encounter with the web-designer and web master of the Rust. He said he could resolve the problem and appeared punctually to do so.
He offered the obvious solution of contacting the service provider for a speedier version after his test confirmed slow download. Two days later a new router arrived and was installed. So far so good.
However the tv sound was intermittent. All the amplification is controlled by Sonos which was not configured to the new WiFi.
No matter – the app offered a solution and for 30 minutes I went round and round the steps recommended without success. I sent for Bryan who has aptitude in these areas. He could not get the Sonos system to “speak to” the new router.
I sought further help from Jamie’s uncle, another expert with gizmos. Bryan returned yesterday and after 90 minutes hours had to give up.
Net result after one simple upgrade: No Sonos, no CD, tv volume fluctuating between too loud and too soft.
Fortunately I added another Roberts to my collection. Oh what joy to switch a button and receive sound …