The World on Fire
We are now into the third episode. Thank goodness the weakest element of the narrative, Paris has been dropped. The plot is heading forward on all fronts. The brother of Lois the singer has joined the navy and is chasing down on HMS Exeter the pocket battleship the Graf Spee into the River Plate.
Lois meets Harry her beau when they are stationed together.
In Berlin war correspondent Nancy Campbell has discovered a eugenics clinic from where children who have mental or physical handicaps are sent to the camps and becomes involved in her neighbour’s problem with her young child.
The appalling mother of Harry shows a more human face as she is now responsible for the schooling of Jan who is teased at school.
His sister Kasia has joined the Resistance in Warsaw and uses her wiles to attract German soldiers and send them to her death.
A couple of Polish fugitives seek safety in a Polish home from Russian soldiers. So it’s enough without the Parisen gay affaire.
The multi-stranded plot is a device best exhibited in The Sopranos but this series is making a decent representation of this.