Just in

View from the coal face

Last week I completed my annual medical review with a consultation with a cardiologist.

I do not imagine this is is of great interest to the reader other than that I can report I passed my MOT and was signed off for another year.

What may be of interest is how a medical professional views the pandemic.

In my view there is no substitute for professional opinion but the coverage of Covid in the media rarely includes this and borders on the irresponsible.

Take the latest  South African variant.

Three words could sum it up “We don’t know”.  No one knows If the vaccine works against it, if it has reached the UK, or whether it is localised in South Africa where vaccination levels are much lower.

Beyond that it is sheer conjecture.

The cardiologist did say he is well behind in his diagnostics as patients are reluctant to visit.

Hospitals are risky places at the best of times but this government uses fear as a means of health control. Also coverage rapidly gets out of proportion.  For many a care home is the last post so you should not be surprised that old people died in them.

The biggest error of this and other governments is to believe and base policy on eradication of the virus.

The latest government to do so is New Zealand with its zero tolerance policy.

A friend of mine whose career is TV advertising sales said some 6 months ago that we have to live with this.

The cardiologist endorsed this view.  He believed we would have a yearly fluvid jab.

It will be interesting to see how posterity judges the Covid governmental response.

I suspect not kindly.

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About Robert Tickler

A man of financial substance, Robert has a wide range of interests and opinions to match. More Posts