Just in

Woke frustration

One aspect of contemporary arts which consistently irritates me is the random woke application.

A good example of this was a programme I saw recently on Channel Four entitled The 100 Greatest Musicals.

I enjoy such programmes for the clips from the musicals and input from film historians and critics. Singing In the Rain rightly featured in the top ten.

However the critical input did not emanate from any film historian or critic but a group of gays drooling over Gene Kelly’s bum.  I did wonder what the reaction might be if it were a male group in a pub drooling over say Marilyn Monroe’s breasts.

The number one in the list was Grease.  

It would not have been my choice as I adore the MGM musicals of the fifties or Oliver!

Nonetheless I admire Grease for its Bee Gees sound track, the sheer verve of John Travolta’s disco dancing and his on-screen chemistry with Olivia Newton John.

Apparently, I read, there is some doubt as to its appropriateness to today’s kids as it features a pervy, predatory man.

Grease is a period piece of the disco movement now passed. It should be viewed in those terms.

Besides the more you tell an adolescent not to watch something the more likely he/she is likely to do so.

With the theatre in dire straits I wonder if there will be any change in attitude to make its values more appealing to the prospective sponsor?

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About Tim Holford-Smith

Despite running his architectural practice full-time, Tim is a frequent theatre-goer and occasional am-dram producer. More Posts