You pays your money and you takes your choice
I reckon I’m in tune with about 70% of the population in the sense that firstly, – although I have never revealed to anyone which way I voted in the EU Referendum – I take the view “what’s done is done” and now we must all just get on with it … whatever ‘it’ is; and secondly, one way or another, that the Government has made a pretty good mess of the Brexit negotiations so far.
But – in the context of the current controversies over reporting news impartially, ‘fake news’ and news-bias and what appear to be the extremities of politics (i.e. that Party A, or B, can do no wrong – and everyone of a different persuasion are either rich, self-interested, Tory power-mad scum … or else loony-lefty, Momentum-supporting anarchists who care less about the oppressed working class masses and those poor and infirm who incapable of defending themselves than they do about the price of Bitcoins, prosecco and the effect of the increase in Stamp Duty upon their three-storey houses in Hampstead) – I noticed in the media reports overnight two starkly different reviews of Boris Johnson’s major ‘Brexit (Calling Everyone Together)’ speech.
I invite Rust readers, especially those like me who did not see it, to consider which of these two reports they feel gives the most accurate and informative review of what the Foreign Secretary said and his performance.
Do you think that one or the other gives you a better overall summary and perception of the speech?
Or do you think that you have chosen the review that you prefer because (1) its standpoint reflects your own political views (and indeed those of Boris Johnson) … or (2) because it is more damning, or funny, than the other … or (3) because, from a pure journalistic angle, it is simple superior to the other?
Both reviews appear upon the websites of their respective newspapers today:
Firstly, Jon Crace’s ‘Sketch’ of the event in – THE GUARDIAN
Secondly, Quentin Letts writing for the – DAILY MAIL
Answers, please on a psotcard to the usual address …