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A typical day in Paradise


I have now settled into my routine.

My day begins with an early morning walk on Gran Anse beach.

I find such places best in the early morning with only a few dog walkers about.

The beaches at Grenada are public and I assumed that over the weekend the loveliest one at Gran Anse would be full to bursting later on.

After this, I take my breakfast in the hotel restaurant Olivers of tropical fruit salad and nutmega yoghurt.

It’s buffet but always there is a waitress on hand to take the plate back to your table.

I like to stay there for sometime with my iPad doing my emails and reading the papers on line whilst admiring the view over a pot of fresh coffee.

After breakfast I return to my room and on the balcony read the biography of Winston Churchill by Andrew Roberts.

It’s immensely readable and the best depiction of the character of this great man.

The author is especially good at the paradoxes and flaws of Churchill. Aside from correctly assessing Hitler he got almost everything wrong before that – his party allegiances, Gallipoli, the gold standard, India and the royal abdication.

Then cometh the moment, cometh the man.

This takes me up to lunch. I nipped round to Duggie Heath’s room for a couple of beers and to watch Wales v England with him.

After that a siesta. I went with Daffers to the hotel spa Janissa (a combination of the two names of owner Sir Royston Hopkin’s daughters) for a massage.

We stopped on the way back for some rum punches at the Sea ‘n Surf bar to admire the sunset.

Back to Oliver’s for dinner. Once again head chef, working with local produce this time the tuba potato, created a wonderfully rich soup which I followed with seared sea bass with a orange sauce. Delicious.

Back to the room, which had had an extensive cover down service, and early to bed.

Not a bad life.

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About Robert Tickler

A man of financial substance, Robert has a wide range of interests and opinions to match. More Posts