Just in

Consumer Affairs

Modern life

Something slightly unusual happened to me yesterday. Having set off first thing to take my car to my local ‘little man with a garage’ for its annual MOT, I returned home (using my Freedom travel pass on a bus) and then set about occupying myself until I received the call to go and collect it. [...]

April 18, 2014 // 0 Comments

Boring but important

It’s tough to make any article on pensions interesting, but I’m going to try by relating a cautionary tale. A  friend of mine, who just reached 60, was minded to take his pension which was guaranteed by the provider at 10% of the fund. This seemed too good to be true and like most [...]

April 18, 2014 // 0 Comments

A Tale of Two Solicitors

Yesterday I had to visit the offices of two solicitors I engage. The first was the firm of Bodgers in Holborn, very much a firm of and for the landed aristocracy. I was therefore surprised to see, amongst the Country Life and The Lady, the Jewish Chronicle in the various  journals and newspapers [...]

April 5, 2014 // 0 Comments

The Great Business Rate Scandal

A new cafe has opened up in Marylebone near my residence in  Westminster. It’s owned by an Oriental couple and you can sense on visiting how hard they are trying to make their business successful.  It’s situated next to Pret but many prefer a  family type concern to a  formulaic [...]

April 4, 2014 // 0 Comments

Keeping up with the technos

I belong to the Blackberry generation. Not really. I belong to the pen and ink generation. I was brought up to write handwritten thank you notes, not send an email. My parents’ notion of consumerism was expressed by my great grandmother ‘s dictum “We can only afford the [...]

January 11, 2014 // 0 Comments

Supermarket v local trader

Yesterday our godson and his mother came for lunch. My wife and I did our regular shop at M & S. We were attracted to the weekend deal of a main, side and dessert and bottle of wine for £10. After lunch, our godson’s mother complimented us fulsomely on the roast chicken, garlic [...]

December 15, 2013 // 0 Comments


It’s a well written tale that the Internet has caused huge problems for the High Street and has dehumanised shopping . But has it? I know somebody who regularly lectures to business groups on the Internet as his company Cheapflights is a such a success story. Indeed my friend  has written a [...]

November 8, 2013 // 0 Comments

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