Finally, the world stops going mad
Although this organ’s mission statement and running themes are well known to its adherents – and we need make no apologies for them – I have been reassured to see that recently the world of sports administration seems, after much hang-wringing and procrastination, at last to have collectively “grown a pair” and begun to make a rare stand for what (to many of us) would have seemed to be no more than self-evident general common sense and essential truth as regards gender and competitive fairness generally in elite sports.
The only weird aspect is that it has taken quite so long.
Despite the sweeping 21st Century fashion for embracing diversity and worshipping the supposed absolute right of anyone/everyone to decide for themselves upon a daily basis how they identify – e.g. as a man, woman, transgender, half-way house multiple-personality … or even, (no doubt) as a mouse, horse, fire-breathing dragon [I believe I am correct in saying that for some years now there has been a popular musical group of some note that plays gigs under the moniker “Half Man, Half Biscuit”] … or even perhaps an ambulance, if they should so wish … and then be treated by the rest of the world as such, it seems patently obvious to old gits like myself that in all honesty you cannot fight against what amounts to a small number of essential human truths.
The fact is that if “former males” – however earnest and sincere their motives – who have decided to become transgender are officially allowed to compete against genuine female athletes and/or sportswomen in any sport at all, they will have inherent physical advantages that will inevitably distort the outcomes of those competitions, games and/or events.
More power, therefore, to the likes of World Athletics president Seb Coe, who now seems to have climbed down off the fence and taken a firm stand upon the issue.
See here, as appears upon the website today of the – DAILY MAIL