Full marks to M & S
A few years ago I suffered a potentially fatal disease which resulted in numerous skin grafts and scarring. After that experience I became involved in a charity helping victims of disfigurement and researching into it. So it’s an area where I have some experience.
Last week I stopped at the M & S in a station forecourt. I had that internal debate with which readers are familiar. On one hand I wanted to get home after a tiring day, on the other I needed food.
I forced myself to the shop which I have always found too cramped and lacking in choice. There I saw an assistant, a girl with no hair and a blotched, disfigured face. I’m ashamed to say I veered away from her. She must have just started as another assistant checked her welfare.
The high street is under attack as it carries far more overheads than internet shopping.
M & S are not in touch with their shrinking clientele and cannot find a new one. Their ladies fashion is dowdy. Hey still they promote free trade products and ethical sourcing.
One can only praise them all the more for engaging an assistant with disfigurement…and the staff for caring for her.