Gay Pride weekend in Brighton
I have mixed feelings about Gay Pride weekend – known as “ Pride” down here.
On one hand, I believe that every person has the right to pursue their sexual orientation free of prejudice victimisation and mocking.
On the other hand, 120,000 visitors descend on our city for a weekend of bacchanian revelry which gridlocks the place, puts huge pressure on the services – especially the hospital – and last year the station having to be closed as the numbers return.
The main sea road from the centre to where I live was closed from 9.00pm on Friday and Polly, who braved it down by train on Sunday, could not take the bus from the station.
Friends have told me its part of the city’s culture.
Two gay friends I know do very nicely thank you with their pub in the epicentre of the revelries in Kemp Town and prepare for the serving of lager every 3 minutes like a military operation.
Personally I have no wish to embrace Pride, not out of any latent homophobia but at my age I dislike large crowds.