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Peter Thomson

Peter Thomson passed away a few years ago and is much mourned and missed by the Fulham faithful. In many ways he resembled all that the club represented with his eccentricity, intelligence, whimsical books about the club and his steadfast support. He never pretended to be otherwise than a public school headmaster yet he was loved and respected by one and all. With yet another couple of articles in The Times detailing sexual impropriety in St Pauls, where Peter rose to deputy headmaster – and should have been  headmaster – and Fulham relegated, I sometimes think he is better off where he is, in the Senior Common Room in the sky.

Peter would have been exactly the right man to guide the school in troubled times, and Fulham too. Many have tried to reach Fulham owner Shahid Khan. Few have succeeded and he remains advised by those who have 10% of Peter’s feel for the club. Peter, who could claim the Sultan of Brunei as as one of his circle, would have obtained an audience, of that I am sure. Firmly, but always politely, he would explain where it all went wrong and until Mr Khan listens to Fulham people it will continue to do so. He would be clever enough to know that Mr Khan’ s real fear is losing his investment. I cleaned Peter’s windows for years and Fulham football club and St. Paul’s School are poorer places for his passing.

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About Alan Tanner

After a distinguished military service in the Catering Corps, Alan Tanner did well in mufti with his chamois as a window cleaner. Sadly he had to retire after falling from the fifth floor of Danny Murphy's mock Tudor home. He spends his retirement watching and writing about his beloved Fulham whom he has supported for over 50 years. The Alan Tanner Report is sponsored by Tanner Crystal Clear Ltd, Window Cleaners to the Gentry. More Posts