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Shape of Things/Pallant Gallery Chichester

Once again the Pallant has come up trumps with its latest exhibition showcasing still life.

In the past they have resuscitated the reputations of an artist (e.g. John Minton and Glyn Philpott) but this time a genre – still life.

For many years still life was below history, portraiture and landscape in the pecking order but this exhibition reveals and reflects that it is a versatile and vibrant genre.

As ever, some well-chosen individual works by William Nicholson, Winifred Nicholson, Walter Sickert, Edward Burra, Patrick Caulfield and Cedric Morris in an admirably curated exhibition strengthens the still life case.

By not having more than one work each by these artists and confining the exhibition to a manageable number of rooms it’s much more enjoyable and productive than those blockbuster exhibitions in the well-known London museums where 30 visitors can gather round one picture and you have to leave by the shop.

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About Alice Mansfield

A graduate of the Slade, Alice has painted and written about art all her life. With her children now having now grown up and departed the nest, she recently took up sculpture. More Posts