Our journey from Lanzarote to Tenerife was no simple island hop largely because of the lack of signage in Canarian airports.
The taxi driver in Lanzarote dropped us off at the international terminal – not the domestic one – though neither seemed marked. At the correct terminal we could see no sign as to where to check in nor for departure.
Thus it was we had to make a spirited dash through security and were the last to board the plane.
Tenerife North was no better.
It was unclear, once you collected the baggage, where the departure gate was.
Eventually we found it and a sleek BMW limousine bore us to the Hotel Botanico.
The hotel is proper five star. We were greeted with a fresh fruit juice, the receptionist – an elderly smiling lady – could not have been more helpful, arranging a discount for reasons which were unclear to me.
I was delighted with the room – all the creature comforts were there and the bellboy explained how it all worked. I had some urgent business to deal with which prevented me from my customary siesta. After this was finished I went down to the pool, swam a few lengths and walked the tropical gardens where a couple were being photographed for their wedding.
We ate in the Oriental Restaurant which was Thai cuisine. No buffet nonsense but proper service and a delicious repast of coconut and chicken broth, prawns in sweet and sour sauce and mango and coconut ice-cream washed down by two glasses of Verdejo and a plum liqueur.
On the next table sat an elderly German couple. I believe the Germans like Tenerife and it certainly seems a sensible option for winter sunshine. It’s only 80 miles off the coast of Morocco and has an excellent climate.
By 9.00pm I was ready for the kingdom of nod.
My only very minor complaint was the leaving of note on the bed that to be environmentally friendly do not request for the sheets to be changed.
I like fresh sheets every day and believe this is more about saving on laundry costs than the planet.