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The benefits of openness

Few are more repelled by 21st Century ‘wokeism’, post-modern feminism and general Millennial ‘guilt’ about the glories or otherwise of Western ‘First Nation’ countries’ past exploits and achievements than me, but content in my status as a cantankerous old bat I’m also prepared to give occasional credit to positive developments among the generations coming along behind mine.

I present one for Rusters potentially to contemplate today.

Sometimes directness and the increasing practice of ‘opening up’ about aspects of human life that – for one reason or another over many thousands of years – have been regarded as taboo or otherwise unmentionable can have a widespread beneficial effect.

Overnight I spotted this article by Zoe Williams, always an articulate and perceptive columnist, on the subject of a new museum devoted to “down there” – and why not, there’s already one on the penis in Iceland – that has opened in Camden Market.

Faint hearts and/or men of a buttoned-up disposition may not wish to proceed further, but those with an outward approach to life should follow this link to – THE GUARDIAN


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About Jane Shillingford

Jane spent the bulk of her career working on women’s magazines. Now retired and living on the south coast, she has no regrets and 'would do it all again'. More Posts