Just in

The mystery unravels

Whilst my flying parasol has been returned, Inspector Tickler is still on the case.

In particular why has been there no response from my neighbour?

Late in the afternoon there was: she wrote a reply on the back of my second letter which contained an invitation to a barbecue and my request for her mobile phone number.

She has no mobile phone and is a vegan who turns down barbecue invitations.

She did offer me a tomato plant in an act of neighbourly confraternity.

This is my least favourite vegetable and I’ve no green fingers.

Gardening in my view is best left to gardeners.

Yesterday was my godson’s twelfth birthday.

Inevitably Covid 19 was discussed when I called him and he made the valid point:

How can anyone be an expert on Covid 19 when it’s just been discovered?

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About Robert Tickler

A man of financial substance, Robert has a wide range of interests and opinions to match. More Posts