Just in

United we sit

Yesterday I travelled back to Nice on EasyJet with my godson and his mother. As young children often are, my 8 year old godson Jamie can be very entertaining without intending. So as he mounted the stairway to the plane he remarked

I am feeling excited but a little nervous too. When I go to the toilet nothing happens.”

We duly assumed our seats after a couple kindly yielded theirs so we could sit as a three. I started to read the Telegraph, just another dull flight I thought wondering how long it would be before I was served a drink. Then the steward announced they could not reconcile their numbers with the numbers on board, there was one extra passenger and would someone volunteer for 250 euros compensation to disembark. The airline was being disingenuous here. An airline’a profit margin is defined by seat occupancy. EasyJet require 51% to break even. Thus it is common but unacceptable practice to overbook on the basis that a passenger will not turn up. The second point is procedure. This should have been picked up at the gate and the last passenger not admitted. Tough, but they do tell you to get there early. A couple did agree and we were spared the scene we saw at United. If you did not here it is:


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About Robert Tickler

A man of financial substance, Robert has a wide range of interests and opinions to match. More Posts