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Articles by Henry Elkins

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About Henry Elkins

A keen researcher of family ancestors, Henry will be reporting on the centenary of World War One. More Posts

WW1 casualties may be under-estimated

It is generally estimated – I have taken my figures from that unique organ of record the Wikipedia website – that the total number of deaths caused by the First World War exceeds 15 million. Of this number, some 9 million were military personnel, and over 2 million of the non-combatant [...]

January 21, 2014 // 1 Comment

Oh What A Lovely War

The first LP I ever bought was the stage recording of the musical Oh What A Lovely War, a Joan Littlewood production of the early sixties. As a little boy, brought up at time when much of the map of the world was coloured pink to reflect The British Empire, I initially thought it was a [...]

January 5, 2014 // 0 Comments

Ensuring we will remember them …

Tomorrow heralds the beginning of the year in which the world will be commemorating the First World War – originally called ‘The Great War’ – which began for Britain on 4th August 1914. Already the publication-rate of WW1 books, television documentaries and dramas has begun [...]

December 31, 2013 // 0 Comments

An aspect of hobby researching

It serves anyone with a hobby interest well to remember two things, i.e. that: Firstly – it wise to keep your feet on the ground and remain humble. No matter how much you read or research, there are bound to be hundreds of others, of similar tastes and interests, who have been at it longer [...]

December 22, 2013 // 0 Comments

Seeking an elusive straw in the wind

Yesterday, pursuant to a WW1 project I am researching, I set off shortly before 0600 hours in deep fog to visit one of the great Midland public schools. Not being familiar with said establishment, I maintained a steady 70mph and relied entirely upon my car’s sat-nav system. This took me up the M1 [...]

December 12, 2013 // 0 Comments

Sometimes you just cannot win …

Yesterday I travelled with my brother to the Public Records Office at Kew once again, engaged upon a quest to research a series of obscure WW1 soldiers for a project I am hoping to attempt. The experience prompted memories of ‘getting into trouble’ as a small boy at my boarding prep school. I [...]

November 20, 2013 // 0 Comments


Many reading Neil Rosen’s reference to Humphrey Bogart may not know that the Hollywood legend was a most capable chess player who even invented his own opening.  i do not know of any contemporary film stars who play the game but sportsmen Ossie Ardiles and Steve Davis are enthusatic and more [...]

November 9, 2013 // 0 Comments


Next Monday, 11th November, will be the ninety-fifth anniversary of Armistice Day, marking the end of the First World War. Already the preliminary bombardment of books timed to coincide with 2014’s centenary of its commencement has begun – by my estimate there will have been at least fifty [...]

November 7, 2013 // 0 Comments

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