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World Affairs

… And The The Rest

Neil McCormick selects Bob Dylan’s thirty greatest songs in the Daily Telegraph today – see here – BOB DYLAN’S GREATEST Do you agree with his [...]

November 19, 2013 // 0 Comments

Diplomatic advice

When I emerged from sleep this morning, as ever to the sounds of Dotun Adebayo’s Up All Night on Radio Five Live, one of the first items I heard was a report on the latest from the Commonwealth Conference taking place in Sri Lanka. The headline was that presiding Sri Lankan president Mahinda [...]

November 17, 2013 // 0 Comments

22nd November 1963

A week away from the fiftieth anniversary of the violent end of US President John F. Kennedy’s life in Dallas, we are currently in the middle of a snowstorm of media pieces commemorating the event – and indeed reheated airings of the various conspiracy theories that first began circulating [...]

November 16, 2013 // 0 Comments


If you asked me how many people from the UK died during World War Two I would have guessed it was 2 million. So I was surprised to learn that of the 55 million that perished in the conflict the number of Britons was 480,000. This does not compare with the  Soviet Union that lost 20m or Japan  2 [...]

November 10, 2013 // 1 Comment


Even if you hold to the view that politicians – like snake oil salesmen – should be mistrusted on sight, it is an inescapable fact that some of them possess an affable charisma which prompts the public to respond favourably. Forget the policies, it’s all to do with how they come across. [...]

November 6, 2013 // 0 Comments

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