Just in


Another one leaves the stage

Having awoken at my usual ungodly hour this morning – not to tune in to live coverage of the Super Bowl but simply because I went to bed at 8.30pm last night – I dressed, made my jug of coffee and came to the computer, where Radio Five Live was awash with the ‘breaking’ news of the [...]

February 3, 2014 // 0 Comments

Everything has structure or it has nothing

Anyone who has ever worked in the creative industries, most specifically theatre, film or television, gains some understanding of the importance of ‘structure’ in presenting the fruits of their labours to the public audience in an entertaining fashion. Novels, plays and television pieces [...]

January 31, 2014 // 0 Comments

Ooh la la

The privacy extended by the French media to the sexual gallivanting of President Xavier Hollander is something we neither understand nor tolerate this side of the channel. I remember in the final days of John Major’s regime there was a sex scandal almost every week and the vain plea of the [...]

January 23, 2014 // 0 Comments

Time flies, doesn’t it?

Spotted on the website of the Daily Telegraph today, the 50th anniversary of the first issue of the classic film [...]

January 22, 2014 // 0 Comments

Misremembered movie quotes

I spotted this piece on the website of the Daily Telegraph this morning, and thought that readers of the National Rust might benefit from seeing it, should they not be habitual readers of that august organ. See here – DAILY [...]

January 15, 2014 // 0 Comments

Happy New Year from Neil Rosen

Jewish people tend to acknowledge rather than celebrate the New Year, having one of our own.  We are proud of our integration into British life. We have a prayer for the Royal Family and do not make waves. Gail and I invited our best friends round for dinner. My ruse to watch The Godfather on Film [...]

January 1, 2014 // 0 Comments

Raid On Entebbe

I struck a deal with my missus Gail that I would help out as much as she wanted over the festive period, provided I am allowed one film per day in the Rosen multiplex. So yesterday I chose Raid On Entebbe. It’s a fine depiction of a real event with a strong cast of Hollywood reliables: Peter [...]

December 31, 2013 // 0 Comments

633 Squadron

A  good war movie is vital to get you through the festive period. I was therefore delighted to see 633 Squadron yesterday afternoon – I like the genre very much. My father was in the RAF, though he never once flew and earned  his wings by sailing at the Royal Thames Yacht Club with his wing [...]

December 28, 2013 // 0 Comments

Neil Rosen’s Film List – Rome

To maintain my capital theme here is my Rome list. Rome is an important and creative force in the cinema with location, some great Italian directors and actors, though probably less so at the moment. Bicycle Thieves 1948 De Sica’s first film set in the poverty of post war Rome, with a [...]

December 22, 2013 // 2 Comments

Planes Trains and Automobiles

My readers will know of my almost visceral dislike of American cinema post Star Wars so I am delighted to  say how much I enjoyed Planes Trains and Automobiles, a film that was recommended to me as it crossed the categories of car, train and plane movies. It’s a comedy but more than that. If [...]

December 22, 2013 // 0 Comments

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