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Restaurant Reviews

A la Colthard/The Permit Room

The Permit Room on Brighton’s Lanes is part of the successful Ishoom chain with a funky makeover. I went there yesterday, treating my ex-doctor whom I have always liked and dispensed good optimistic advice. In particular, he holds to my own view that – as we approach old age – zest [...]

March 13, 2024 // 0 Comments

A la Colthard/ eating out update

Yesterday  my accountant invited me to lunch at La Brasseria Milanese an upmarket Italian restaurant in Marylebone High Street. As I was a guest it seems churlish to find fault but it epitomised the contemporary London experience. On arrival at 12-45 the table was not ready (how can this [...]

February 28, 2024 // 0 Comments

A la Colthard/The Big Easy

Too many restaurant critics are not considerate, by which I mean they will review the latest opening but not a well-established chain which offers value. Such a chain is The Big Easy which a good friend of mine recommended and we sampled last week. We went to the Covent Garden one in Maiden Lane [...]

February 19, 2024 // 0 Comments

A la Colthard: Novellinos and The Regency

Novellinos is a kosher restaurant owned by Tony Bloom and situated in the synagogue at Hove. I had hoped it was a New York style delicatessen but it’s more bistro food. I ordered a salt beef sandwich (£14) and the meat was rather dry. As you might expect, the clientele is almost exclusively [...]

December 26, 2023 // 0 Comments

Al la Colthard/both ends of the spectrum.

Last week I was in London which was hellish because of the crowds but had two meals that were memorable for different reasons. The first was in Chinatown at Haozhan with a girl friend of many years. I knew she would offer to pay her share but likes value and Haozhan ticked all the boxes. We had [...]

December 16, 2023 // 0 Comments

A la Colthard: Mediterra, Portslade

You need a good excuse to go Portslade, a light industrial place adjacent to Hove, a place of car dealerships and secondary shopping. The reason I took the Number “1” bus from Whitehawk to Portslade was to check out this Turkish restaurant of which I had heard good reports. The lunch [...]

November 8, 2023 // 0 Comments

A la Colthard/The Black Horse Amberley

Yesterday I met an old friend from my travel journo days for lunch near his home in Petworth. My friend acquired – and built up – a highly-successful internet “bucket shop” website which at its peak attracted 3 million hits monthly. We meet every 3 months of so for lunch in [...]

October 28, 2023 // 0 Comments

A la Colthard/Reform club

Recently Bob Tickler held a dinner at the Reform Club for me, his p/a Polly and her best friend Grania. Bob is most excited about joining the Reform Club. Although he was once  a member of the adjoining RAC, he does not regard himself as a conventional St James club man. The Reform with its [...]

August 25, 2023 // 0 Comments

A la Colthard/foodie travelogues

Cooking and television have a productive relationship. Before Big Brother, Peter Bazalgette made his name and the start of his fame and fortune with Ready Steady Chef. This launched the celebrity chefs like Pierre Marco White , Jamie Oliver and Keith Floyd. The phase has now moved onto travelogues [...]

August 16, 2023 // 0 Comments

A la Colthard/Eating out in Chichester.

Chichester is renowned for its cathedral, theatre and art gallery – but not its restaurants. I accompanied Alice (Mansfield) on Tuesday to the Pallant Gallery.  I enjoyed the Gwen John exhibition and particularly her draughtmanship. Can one use that word now or should it be [...]

August 3, 2023 // 0 Comments

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